Readers Speak

Readers Speak

I can’t remember who’s blog I saw this on, but someome was posting the 1 Star reviews of thier books, and since I’d started the “Readers Speak” thing a while ago, I figured Hey, why not. My books get great reviews, and I Love it. But to be fair, there are sometimes ones that make me go “whoa.”

So, here are my 1 star reviews from Amazon.


“I was really excited to purchase this book from all its raved reviews. Only to be dissapointed with it once i recieved it. I mean at first i thought it was going be a quite steamy book with its prologue. But into the first chapter…just terrible. It really felt like someone carelessly, inexpreincely written it. The beginning was filled with too many repeats. With the character repeating lines from the other with expressing their mental thoughts. The female main character said ‘oh, yeah’ or ‘oh,yes’ so many times i wanted to shred the book. It wasn’t humourous, the dialogue wasnt smooth but choppy. There weren’t enough fluff or flow to the story and then to have meaningless scenes in the story just to tie us with characters from previous books or a hint of another. i thought she could’ve done a better job with the story line, i was hoping for more substance. And it end up being predictable and unoriginal… It had good ideas, like the scene were the main characters take a shower together, the meaning of the scene anyways…but White’s erotic scenes would either be done short and poorly or laid out and not enough detail. Save yourself the trouble, DONT waste your money on this one. Do buy Broken from Megan Hart, she written an absolutely tremediously heartwarming tale…”

No, I did not mess with the review. It was copied and pasted exactly as it was on Amazon, spelling errors, typos, and refrences to other authors as they were. And I actually have to Thank this reviewer, because of this review Megan Hart and I had a good starting point to chat about when we met in New York, and I now consider her a good friend. The woman rocks!


Kelly said: I am an avid reader of erotic books, but for me to find one enjoyable, I prefer a good story along with the steamy sex. This book had no story to speak of, but what was worse, the characters were awful, and not developed. I didn’t care if they were together or not. Believe it or not the writing was worse than everything I mentioned above. The sex scenes were forced between two characters we cared nothing about. I only got in the first 100 pages, as that was all I could stomach. Spend your hard earned cash on something else.

J.Freedman Said:
“Am I the only person who couldn’t take this book seriously? I’m all for erotica books that have hot sex scenes and not much plot or character development to speak of (after all, who reads erotica for a plot?)… but this was just ridiculous. I can’t take this book seriously because the writing is just so cheesy and awful.”

Ouch! After many great reviews, those 2 One Star ones for Trouble were posted within a week of each other, just recently. But…There were no one star reviews for BOUND, and I’ll do the kensington books another day. I have to admit, I checked on SEXY DEVIL today though, and there were no one star reviews there either.

And too make it even more apparent that reading, and reviews, are all subjective, I figured nows a good time to announce that TROUBLE is a finalist in the MORE THAN MAGIC contest. A Reader Judged contest. :mrgreen:


  1. As a reviewer myself, I’m all for the idea of “to each his own” but that isn’t an excuse to be nasty or mean. It seems as though they read a page or two in each chapter and stuck their ideas together from that. And the Wicked reviewer said that “weren’t enough fluff . . .” F*** that – does anyone read a Sasha White book for the fluff factor? I say you ignore these nimrods and reread all of the good reviews written for your books – smile and know that we appreciate and love you!

    The only thing said that was worthwhile in either of these was the plug for Megan, who I too adore.

    On a happy, bitch-free note, congrats on being a finalist – and good luck!!

  2. *tacklehugsLaurie* Thank you!

    I’m pretty okay with them now, but I admit when I first read them I was a bit…confused. Not because they didn’t like/enjoy the books, but because part of me thought the reviews had a bit of a malicious edge to them. But, whatever, lol, if it made them feel better to say those things, then let them rip ’em up. Like you said, I’m aware that there are many people who do enjoy my work, and that’s enough for me. :mrgreen:

  3. congrats on being a finalist… everyone has different taste but, ow! Some people however have very poor taste AND since the consensus was so popular for the raves, I know that those people have very poor taste. They must, because I have excellent taste and LOVE your books, look foward to the next book to get to know the stories of all of your characters…beacause they draw me in. :light:

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