

I hate to jinx myself, but I’ve had a really good week. 🙂

I haven’t gotten much writing done, but I’m back to working out more regularly, (Still no change in what the scale says…yet) I finally got my taxes done! And despite the fact that it was very quiet at work last night…I had a great night.

Last night made me feel really good. It was very quiet, and I didn’t make much money…but I had a chance to talk to alot of regulars that I don’t normally “chat” with when I’m busy. It reminded me of why I enjoy bartending so much. It taks all kinds of people to make the world go ’round, and you can find a good variety of them in your local pub.

It’s funny, the thing I love most about my job is the people I get to talk to, and the thing I hate most about my job, the thing that can ruin a night, is also the people. :crazy:

Either way, when I’m loving it or hating it, bartending also feeds my creative well. The stories people tell me, or to look at their antics and think “What could he possibly be thinking to do that?”. It all Makes me want to write more. 😀

What do you love most about your job? What do you hate most about your job?


  1. When I see the "gross pay" it brings a smile to my face thinking, "woohoo, I rock!" Then seeing the deductions for pension, charity donations, union dues, medical, disability and THEN looking at the net pay. That’s what I hate the most.

    I hate the location of my desk. I hate that I don’t have a view of anything but a dismal future in front of me (the monitor). I dislike some of the co-workers around me who talk entirely too loud when they don’t care what they’re saying and whisper softly when they want to be "confidential". Whisper quietly all the time PLEASE! I don’t care what you’re saying.

    This post is getting too long. haha

  2. The "only" two jobs I have are taking care of my kids full time and writing when I can squeeze it in.

    What I like about the mom part: Snuggles! What I like about writing: When it flows.

    What I dislike about the mom part: the days when all they do is fight. What I dislike about the writing: When it WON’T flow.

  3. Os

    I hate to be argumentative, but what I hate the most about my bartending job IS the people. Not all of them, not even the majority. But much like dates, with patrons, we tend to mostly remember the bad ones. They stick out. I could have a great night, hang out with all the regulars and make bank, but it is all for not if one or two idiots ruin the night for me. I don’t mean annoying or drunk people. I mean the rude ones. The ones that lack any trace of manners or any morsel of dignity. Maybe I have been doing this too long, but they send me up the water tower…..ooops, almost forgot my high-powered rifle.

    Like your site, keep it up.


  4. Sasha

    ((Grace)) Maybe you shoudl buy earplugs and flash them in front of your co-workers? Or you could just tell them to shut up. 😛

    Amy~ I thinkyou have two very tough jobs! Good on you! 🙂

    Os~You’re not being argumentative at all. I even said in there that I love the people, but the thing I hate most about my job is ALSO the people.

    I agree. I’ve ranted on here before about the fact that I’m a server (or bartender) doesn’t mean I’m a Servant. I just happened to have a great night last night with NO off people. 😀

    It’s a rare thing. 😉

  5. :angry:Today I love my job, I am a kept woman, today I got up cleaned my kitchen and then went golfing 😀 came home and played online, walked the dogs and mowed the lawn, in a bit I will need to make supper…most days are like this, and some include a little fun with my man. But then there are the neighbors who feel my dog shouldn’t bark at all and phone when she opens her mouth. :crazy:

  6. Dreamweaver

    What do I love about my job?
    Having days off away from the s.o.b.

    What do I hate about it?
    The environment, the mean-spirited people, and the feeling of despair that permeates the place.

    New career needed, like, IMMEDIATELY!!! :plain:

  7. Sasha

    Dianna~ A kept woman huh? Hmm where do I apply for that job? 😉

    Cece~ Yay! Sounds like you have a keeper! Of a job that is. 🙂

    Dream~ Mean spirited people suck!

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