Welcome to 2009

Welcome to 2009

I’m using the new year as an excuse to start a bunch of new projects. Projects that I believe will keep me both happy and busy. Busy is good for me. Some people are more relaxed and seem to get things done when they have their own time. Not me. I tend to be better when busy, work better under pressure, and am more happy and productive when always busy. So I’ll be keeping busy.

However, I am suspicous enough to not want to spill the beans until I have confirmation of them going forward, which I’m sure will happen one by one. One thing I will tell you is that I’ve been working on a story. Yep, writing again, or should I saw re-writing an old one? That’s all I’ll say for now.

I’m looking forward to the New Year, how about you?


  1. Happy New Year, Sasha!

    I’m looking forward to 2009 too.

    As for pressure, I have to walk this line for it to work for me. Absolutely no pressure and I am in danger of not doing anything. Too much pressure, especially close deadlines, and I panic and become miserable. So I kinda need on-the-horizon deadlines.

    Best of luck with your new projects!

  2. I get what you’re saying, Jorri. I wish I was like that, but honestly, I’m the queen of the last minute deadline crunch. LOL

    HAppy New Year , Vivi!!!
    Can;t wait to hear about your changes, you seem very excited. šŸ˜›

  3. Karin

    Happy New Year! I’m definitely looking forward to the new year. Like you, I’m usually better about getting things done when I’m busy, otherwise I tend to just put things off indefinitely. *sigh*

  4. Happy New Year, Sasha!

    So you’re starting off the new year by keeping secrets, eh? I’m intrigued too and know that we’ll all be pleased with the news, whenever you decide to share it!!

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